Safety First - Always

Since our inception, a founding creed has always been “safety first” for all of the families and friends of Studio C. The well-being of you, our members, is much greater than the time we spend in class together. Whether we see your smile in-person or virtually, the Studio C Team is dedicated to you living a life that is safe, healthy, happy and complete. ….and of course a boat load of fun along the way!

With the advent of autumn, your COVID lifestyle and our new home in Kellar Station, the Studio C Team is ready to support your health efforts with top notch programming, resources, and a safe environment. We understand some members are more comfortable than others to come inside in the group settings. Navigating the COVID lifestyle is unique to each individual. Just know, you are supported and greatly appreciated as a member of our funatic community!

We recognize the responsibility for consistent and clear communication on our COVID practices is an expectation you deserve, as a valued member. To date, members coming to in-person classes have been incredible demonstrating personal stewardship via texts, emails and phone call for not attending due either a family member or themselves feeling unwell. The safety of our fellow attendees is where the Studio C community shines a compassionate light for all. Each attendee is required to wear a face mask entering the building and into the studio. Once inside the studio temperatures are monitored to allow further participation. Any attendee that may have a temperature is prevented to participate and must leave the premise. Our new facility is a blessing with ample space providing social distance spacing. Hand sanitizer is available for regular use. Members sanitize any equipment in use and are able to bring their own mats or pound sticks. A nightly sanitation regime is completed before turning out the lights and locking the doors. Joining in person may not be a comfort zone at this time. We understand. Virtual classes will continue to be available well into the future.

Beyond choosing a safe well-sanitization exercise facility, there are additional health practices that may lessen the effects of colds, flu, seasonal allergies and potentially COVID by boosting the immune system. The immune system is our defense team! 24/7 the immune system is warding off potential infections working to keep us strong and healthy. The Studio C Team encourages you to consider what may be available at this time to shift in your daily life toward better health. You’ve been doing great with workouts! This we celebrate together! As we begin to come indoors with shortened daylight, cooler temperatures can influence more comfort foods, and some days we may feel it is more comfortable to be sedentary. These conditions often ramp up feelings of depression, anxiety and general worry. Here’s a checklist for you to review a handful of simple practices to boost the immune system improving over-all well-being:

  • Take 10 - 15 minutes each day for deep breathing.

  • Journal 15 minutes prior to bed to ease the mind toward more restful sleep.

  • Eat 5 colors everyday for providing the immune system quality fuel.

  • Learn something new everyday for brain health.

  • Practice daily self-care with positive affirmations.

Friends, we can’t wait for you to come join in a classes! The studio is beautiful, safe, sanitized ready to great you on your path to being strong, healthy and happy! Drop us a line or comment on this post let us know how we can support you to live the life of your dreams!

In closing, allow your senses to fully open to the gifts meant just for you. Your gifts are infinite! The Studio C Team is here to encourage you with much love and gratitude. See you soon!


Living with Confidence