Living with Confidence

It is true, confidence is about having a sense of trust and self-assurance.  Equally true, our self-confidence can waver when accepting a new position, try a new exercise routine, move to a new town, or a whole array of situations.  Living with confidence is a learned skill.
Here are 7 – suggestions for a powerful confidence boost that will brighten your day!
1. Visualization – Before an important event, visualize an image of yourself that you’re proud of. Picture yourself crushing your goals, rocking the interview, and landing the gig. Visualization helps you develop a positive perception of yourself and increase your self-confidence.
2. Dress the part – You know the saying: “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” The clothes you wear can make such a difference in how you feel and how others view you. Boost your confidence by dressing in a professional, fashionable way that shows off your personality and makes you happy. But remember, keep it simple and make sure your attire is free of anything that may distract you.
 3. Rock out – If you need to get out some jitters, turn on your favorite music and have a mini dance party. It’s a great way to let go of some of your stress, get your heart pumping, and increase energy. Studies show that music with heavy bass can help you feel more confident and powerful.
4. Strike a pose –When in doubt, pretend you are Wonder Woman. We are not kidding. The idea behind power poses, popularized by social psychologist and Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, is that strong body language like the Wonder Woman pose actually makes you feel and appear more confident. Give it a try by standing with your feet wide, shoulders back, and hands on your hips while you stare forward confidently. Hold this stance for two minutes before heading into a client session, interview, or meeting.
5. Focus on body language – You may have heard that 93% of communication is nonverbal. Although there is some skepticism around the numbers associated with communication, we know body language is extremely important in how you present yourself and how others perceive you. Stand up straight, smile, hold eye contact, and make sure not to cross your arms to communicate the open and welcoming person you are.
6. Act like your role model – Think about someone you admire, whether you know them personally, or not. Do they possess qualities you wish you had? How do they act, think, sound, and dress? Fake it until you make it and channel your role model!  
7. Silence negative thoughts – We are all guilty of being our own worst critic. Stop the negative loop in your head that says you are not good enough, strong enough, or smart enough. Banish the word cannot. Instead, focus on solutions and how you can grow from challenges. When negative thoughts pop up, try adopting a positive mantra like, “I can do this!”
The Studio C Team believes Fun & Fitness go hand in hand.  We encourage you to refer to these suggestions to boost your confidence by trying a new class!  We are her to support and celebrate you always!
Today shared with the Studio C Funatics Friends & Family

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